
How to deploy/replicate/copy a SQL Server 2005 database including CLR objects to multiple servers

We maintain a generic tools database at work that contains useful stored procedures, functions, and the odd lookup table. It also contains some CLR objects which need开发者_如何学编程 to be included.

We have around 10 servers and want to have a copy of this database available on each instance inclusding CLR functions..

I plan to nominate one DB as the master and then replicate/logship the db to other instances on a nightly basis. I would also like to be able to kick off the replication by hand if necessary.

Any advice on how this can be achieved?

Thanks : )

I kept this thread open in hopes that someone would come up with something clever. Here's what I came up with:

1) You could implement the log shipping you're talking about and create a read-only snapshot of the log shipping target database on the non-master servers. You'd drop and re-create the snapshot every day.

2) Back up to a location that's available to all the servers and just do a straight restore every day.





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