Javascript arbitrary element of an array based on a "string" seed
I'm relatively new to javascript. I'm looking for a javascript function to get an arbitrary element of a given array based on a given string input.
A random(seed) function would be useful but I can't find one. Or maybe a way to xor hash the bytes in a string.
I can't use jquery, and I'm hoping for an answer that's relatively short.
Edit for examples:
var myArray = ["foo", "bar", "24", "asdf"];
the signature would look like
function ArbitraryElement(arr, seed)
and outputs would look something like:
ArbitraryElement(myArray, "what") // "foo"
ArbitraryElement(myArray, "that") // "24"
ArbitraryElement(myArray, "what") // "foo"
ArbitraryElement(myArray, "boo") // "24"
ArbitraryElement(myArray, "cat") // "asdf"
// etc...
You could sum the char codes with reduce, IE9 native and IE8 and below with shim included in link:
function ArbitraryElement(arr, seed) {
seed = (seed || '') + "xx"; // ensure a seed that can be reduced
var charCodes = seed.split('').reduce(function(a, b, i) {
return (i == 1 ? a.charCodeAt(0) : +a) + b.charCodeAt(0);
return arr[charCodes % arr.length]
Here's an update:
I assume that you would like to have this "array lookup" be deterministic, in that passing in the same string would result in the same array index being accessed?
If so, I recommend performing a hash on the string, and then modding it by the size of the array.
You can use this to compute an MD5 hash
var foo = getHash(inputString);
var index = foo % myArray.length;
Here's a function return a random element from your array (no seed is needed):
function getRandomItem(input) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * input.length);
var myArray = ["foo", "bar", "24", "asdf"];
Demo here:
I like the accepted answer, although I prefer a simpler recursion alternative.
const charSum = (str) =>
!str.length ? 0 : str.charCodeAt(0) + charSum(str.substr(1));