
Does jqgrid 3.6.4 support datatype:local

I want to display some data that is stored locally in the client-side ( in the form of JS array) on the jqgrid. But when I use jqgrid 3.6.4, nothing happens, while for jqgrid 4.0.0, it works fine.

So, does jqgrid 3.6.4 support datatype:local, or is there another way to get the local data in this version of jqgrid?

My code snippet is as follows: objArrayData is the data array.

                datatype: 'local',
                data: objArrayData,
                colNames:['Stmt ID','Code','Definition'],
                        {name:'id',index:'id', width:0, align:'center', sortable:false, hidden:true},
                        {name:'code_Q',index:'code_Q', width:20, align:'center', sortable:false},
                        {name:'defn',index:'defn', width:20, align:'center', sortable:false}
                autowidth: true,
                hoverrows: true,
                gridview: true,
                height: '100px',
                sortname: 'id',
                viewrecords: true,
                sortorder: "desc",
                hidegrid: false  


The addRowData is not working properly. It is repeating the data in the array over and over. In IE, this is leading to stackoverflow.

My new snippet:

                datatype: 'local',
                //data: objArrayCR7,
                colNames:['Stmt ID','Code','Definition'],
                        {name:'id',index:'id', width:0, align:'center', sortable:false, hidden:true},
                        {name:'code_Q',index:'code_Q', width开发者_运维问答:20, align:'center', sortable:false},
                        {name:'defn',index:'defn', width:20, align:'center', sortable:false}
                autowidth: true,
                hoverrows: true,
                gridview: true,
                height: '100px',
                sortname: 'id',
                viewrecords: true,
                sortorder: "desc",
                hidegrid: false,
                gridComplete: function(){

SOLVED (updated):

Found my mistake:

I should put this line:


outside of the .jqgrid().

Someone correct me if I am wrong, I found that every time the .addRowData() is run the grid reloads, so the gridComplete event is fired every time. This created an infinite loop in my previous code.

Filling of local jqGrid with respect of data: objArrayData is supported starting with 3.7 version. The most performance advantage of receive if you would use data parameter together with gridview: true.

In 3.6.4 version you have to fill grid with respect of addRowData.

I recommend you to use only the recent version of jqGrid. Currently it's version 4.1.2.

Found my mistake:

I should put this line:


outside of the .jqgrid().

Someone correct me if I am wrong, I found that every time the .addRowData() is run the grid reloads, so the gridComplete event is fired every time. This created an infinite loop in my previous code.





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