
DataSet TableAdapter Fill Method

I have a DataSet with two TableAdapters (1 to many relationship) that was created using visual studio 2010's Configuration Wizard.

I make a call to an external source and populate开发者_开发技巧 a Dictionary with the results. These results should be all of the entries in the database. To synchronize the DB I don't want to just clear all of the tables and then repopulate them like dropping the tables and creating them with new data in sql.

Is there a clean way possibly using the TableAdapter.Fill() method or do I have to loop through the two tables row by row and decide if it stay or gets deleted and then add the new entries? What is the best approach to make the data that is in the dictionary be the only data in my two tables with the DataSet?

First Question: if it's the same DB why do you have 2 tables with the same information?

To the question at hand: that largley depend on the sizes. If the tables are not big then use a transaction, clear the table (DELETE * FROM TABLE or whatever) and write your data in there again. If the tables are big on the other hand the question is: can you load all this into your dictionary?

Of course you have to ask yourself what happens to inconsistent data (another user/app changed the data while you had it in your dictionary).

If this takes to long you could remember what you did to the data - that means: flag the changed data and remember the deleted keys and new inserted rows and make your updates based on that.

Both can be achieved by remembering the Filled DataTable and use this as backing field or by implementing your own mechanisms.

In any way I would recommend think on the problem: do you really need the dictionary? Why not make queries against the database to get the data? Or only cache a part of the data for quick access?

PS: the update method on you DataAdapter will do all the work (changing the changed, removing the deleted and inserting the new datarows but it will update the DataTable/Set so this will only work once)

It could be that it is quicker to repopulate the entire table than to itterate through and decide what record go / stay. Could you not do the process of deciding if a records is deleteed via an sql statement ? (Delete from table where active = false) if you want them to stay in the database but not in the dataset (select * from table where active = true)

You could have a date field and select all records that have been added since the date you late 'pooled' the database (select * from table where active = true and date-added > #12:30#)





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