
PHP - ZendFramework: How to use Zend_Translate without the whole framework?

i'm building a simple PHP website and want to translate it into 2 languages (spanish,english). I've read some ques开发者_StackOverflowtions here and everybody recommend Zend_Translate. I've read the documentation and seems pretty good.

I've read I can use the Zend_Translate component without using the entire Framework, just that component, but i cannot. I've tryed everything. I downloaded the framework and placed it in a libs subdirectory. And i've tryed severals ways to import it:

// First try
require('libs/Zend/Translate.php'); //Fail

//Second try
require('libs/Zend/Loader.php'); //Good
Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Translate'); //Fail

Can you help me please?

Thanks to this post, I was able to finally make it work!

For people like me who are searching for a working example of using zend_translate without using the Zend Framework, here it is:


If you are using Windows (like I do), you'll need to install gettext first: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gettext.htm

To edit the translations:

  1. open /locale/[locale name]/messages.po
  2. add your translations
  3. Execute translate.bat (if you didn't install gettext in the default directory, update the path to the bin folder). It will generate/update the messages.mo file.

And you're done!

Per @santiagobasulto, I'm creating an answer for this question.

Make sure that Zend/ is in your path, as the Zend Framework expects that folder to be there.

You have to put your 'libs' in your include path. It's quite simple :

set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, array(




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