
Facebook like button?

For the last few days i've had an issue with the like button it's no longer working? I've been told it's due to fb:app_id is now required (so looks like i gotta edit over 17,000 pages to add this tag!) so i tried it on just one page however it still doesn't appear?

It has also now stopped the Tweet button appearing yet twitter is nothing to do with the iframe like button?

The page is this: link - please let me know if i'm missing something here..

It's kinda annoying if i have to use fb:app_id aswell now as i got over 17,000 pages that i'll need to edit to add the fb:app_开发者_StackOverflowid tag.

Also my other site doesn't have an app or a page so how would i use fb:app_id on that? I was using fb:admin before...

On the page you link to, your FB:Like button code is commented out with <!-- --> so of course it won't appear.

Also, you have two <div id="fb-root"> 's on your page and this will cause errors. You need to make sure there is only one of those divs.

Thanks everyone above for your help i just remembered what a silly person i was and i remember i put this in my css file:

iframe {
      display: none;

so that's why it wasn't working, my bad! thanks everyone above anyway. (how can i close this as resolved?)





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