
Cyrillic transliteration in PHP

How to transliterate cyrillic characters into latin letters?

E.g. Главная страница -> 开发者_JAVA技巧Glavnaja stranica

This Transliteration PHP Extension would do this very well, but I can't install it on my server.

It would be best to have the same implementation but in PHP.

Try following code

$textcyr="Тествам с кирилица";
        $textlat="I pone dotuk raboti!";
        $cyr = ['Љ', 'Њ', 'Џ', 'џ', 'ш', 'ђ', 'ч', 'ћ', 'ж', 'љ', 'њ', 'Ш', 'Ђ', 'Ч', 'Ћ', 'Ж','Ц','ц', 'а','б','в','г','д','е','ё','ж','з','и','й','к','л','м','н','о','п', 'р','с','т','у','ф','х','ц','ч','ш','щ','ъ','ы','ь','э','ю','я', 'А','Б','В','Г','Д','Е','Ё','Ж','З','И','Й','К','Л','М','Н','О','П', 'Р','С','Т','У','Ф','Х','Ц','Ч','Ш','Щ','Ъ','Ы','Ь','Э','Ю','Я'
        $lat = ['Lj', 'Nj', 'Dž', 'dž', 'š', 'đ', 'č', 'ć', 'ž', 'lj', 'nj', 'Š', 'Đ', 'Č', 'Ć', 'Ž','C','c', 'a','b','v','g','d','e','io','zh','z','i','y','k','l','m','n','o','p', 'r','s','t','u','f','h','ts','ch','sh','sht','a','i','y','e','yu','ya', 'A','B','V','G','D','E','Io','Zh','Z','I','Y','K','L','M','N','O','P', 'R','S','T','U','F','H','Ts','Ch','Sh','Sht','A','I','Y','e','Yu','Ya'
        $textcyr = str_replace($cyr, $lat, $textcyr);
        $textlat = str_replace($lat, $cyr, $textlat);
        echo("$textcyr $textlat");

@Tural Teyyuboglu

Your code has a problem: if you try to transliterate for example "щеки" to latin and then back to cyrillic it will produce something like "схтеки". The multi-byte characters must appear first in the array like this:

function transliterate($textcyr = null, $textlat = null) {
    $cyr = array(
    'ж',  'ч',  'щ',   'ш',  'ю',  'а', 'б', 'в', 'г', 'д', 'е', 'з', 'и', 'й', 'к', 'л', 'м', 'н', 'о', 'п', 'р', 'с', 'т', 'у', 'ф', 'х', 'ц', 'ъ', 'ь', 'я',
    'Ж',  'Ч',  'Щ',   'Ш',  'Ю',  'А', 'Б', 'В', 'Г', 'Д', 'Е', 'З', 'И', 'Й', 'К', 'Л', 'М', 'Н', 'О', 'П', 'Р', 'С', 'Т', 'У', 'Ф', 'Х', 'Ц', 'Ъ', 'Ь', 'Я');
    $lat = array(
    'zh', 'ch', 'sht', 'sh', 'yu', 'a', 'b', 'v', 'g', 'd', 'e', 'z', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'f', 'h', 'c', 'y', 'x', 'q',
    'Zh', 'Ch', 'Sht', 'Sh', 'Yu', 'A', 'B', 'V', 'G', 'D', 'E', 'Z', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'F', 'H', 'c', 'Y', 'X', 'Q');
    if($textcyr) return str_replace($cyr, $lat, $textcyr);
    else if($textlat) return str_replace($lat, $cyr, $textlat);
    else return null;

echo transliterate(null, transliterate("щеки")) == "щеки";

The best option is using PHP Intl Extension. You might want install it first.

This will do the trick:

$transliteratedString = transliterator_transliterate('Russian-Latin/BGN', $cyrillicString);

I applied 'Russian-Latin/BGN' because the asker used Russian language in his question. However, there are options for other languages written in the Cyrillic script. To view all of them do this:


You should try iconv() with the //TRANSLIT option.

$trstr = iconv(<your encoding here>, "ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT", $src_str)

$textcyr="Тест на кирилице";
$textlat="Test na kirilitse!";
$cyr  = array('а','б','в','г','д','е','ё','ж','з','и','й','к','л','м','н','о','п','р','с','т','у', 
            'ф','х','ц','ч','ш','щ','ъ', 'ы','ь', 'э', 'ю','я','А','Б','В','Г','Д','Е','Ж','З','И','Й','К','Л','М','Н','О','П','Р','С','Т','У',
            'Ф','Х','Ц','Ч','Ш','Щ','Ъ', 'Ы','Ь', 'Э', 'Ю','Я' );
$lat = array( 'a','b','v','g','d','e','io','zh','z','i','y','k','l','m','n','o','p','r','s','t','u',
            'f' ,'h' ,'ts' ,'ch','sh' ,'sht' ,'a', 'i', 'y', 'e' ,'yu' ,'ya','A','B','V','G','D','E','Zh',
            'F' ,'H' ,'Ts' ,'Ch','Sh' ,'Sht' ,'A' ,'Y' ,'Yu' ,'Ya' );

$textcyr = str_replace($cyr, $lat, $textcyr);
$textlat = str_replace($lat, $cyr, $textlat);
echo("$textcyr $textlat");

missing ё, э, ы (Э, Ы, Ё) letters

Here is a function that I use for cleaning characters on Bosnian,Croatian,Serbian latin

 function cleanUTF($name){
        $name = str_replace(array('š','č','đ','č','ć','ž','ñ'),array('s','c','d','c','c','z','n'), $name);
        $name = str_replace(array('Š','Č','Đ','Č','Ć', 'Ž','Ñ'),array('S','C','D','C','C','Z','N'), $name);
        $name = str_replace(array('а','б','в','г','д','е','ё','ж','з','и','й','к','л','љ','м','н','њ','о','п','р','с','т','у','ф','х','ц','ч','џ','ш','щ','ъ','ы','ь','э','ю','я','А','Б','В','Г','Д','Е','Ё','Ж','З','И','Й','К','Л','Љ','М','Н','Њ','О','П','Р','С','Т','У','Ф','Х','Ц','Ч','Џ','Ш','Щ','Ъ','Ы','Ь','Э','Ю','Я'),
                            array('a','b','v','g','d','e','e','z','z','i','j','k','l','lj','m','n','nj','o','p','r','s','t','u','f','h','c','c','dz','s','s','i','j','j','e','ju','ja','A','B','V','G','D','E','E','Z','Z','I','J','K','L','Lj','M','N','Nj','O','P','R','S','T','U','F','H','C','C','Dz','S','S','I','J','J','E','Ju','Ja'), $name);
        return $name;

This is my version of transliteration table for russian alphabet. It's unofficial but based on technical standards GOST 7.79-2000 and GOST 16876-71. Multi-characters go first.

public static function transliterate($textcyr = null, $textlat = null) {
    $cyr = array(
        'ё',  'ж',  'х',  'ц',  'ч',  'щ',   'ш',  'ъ',  'э',  'ю',  'я',  'а', 'б', 'в', 'г', 'д', 'е', 'з', 'и', 'й', 'к', 'л', 'м', 'н', 'о', 'п', 'р', 'с', 'т', 'у', 'ф', 'ь',
        'Ё',  'Ж',  'Х',  'Ц',  'Ч',  'Щ',   'Ш',  'Ъ',  'Э',  'Ю',  'Я',  'А', 'Б', 'В', 'Г', 'Д', 'Е', 'З', 'И', 'Й', 'К', 'Л', 'М', 'Н', 'О', 'П', 'Р', 'С', 'Т', 'У', 'Ф', 'Ь');
    $lat = array(
        'yo', 'zh', 'kh', 'ts', 'ch', 'shh', 'sh', '``', 'eh', 'yu', 'ya', 'a', 'b', 'v', 'g', 'd', 'e', 'z', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'f', '`',
        'Yo', 'Zh', 'Kh', 'Ts', 'Ch', 'Shh', 'Sh', '``', 'Eh', 'Yu', 'Ya', 'A', 'B', 'V', 'G', 'D', 'E', 'Z', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'F', '`');
        return str_replace($cyr, $lat, $textcyr);
    else if($textlat)
        return str_replace($lat, $cyr, $textlat);
        return null;

if you want double conversion with accuracy to every letter, you need to improve the methods a little bit. I have the translation used for the url, and the url parameter is searched with the database. That's why it's very important for me to keep exact characters without replacing one with the other.

!!! Support for Ukrainian symbols.

 * @param $string
 * @return string only cyrillic letter
function to_cyrillic($string):string
    $gost = [
        "a" => "а", "b" => "б", "v" => "в", "g" => "г", "d" => "д", "e" => "е", "yo" => "ё",
        "j" => "ж", "z" => "з", "ii" => "и", "ji" => "й", "k" => "к",
        "l" => "л", "m" => "м", "n" => "н", "o" => "о", "p" => "п", "r" => "р", "s" => "с", "t" => "т",
        "y" => "у", "f" => "ф", "h" => "х", "c" => "ц",
        "ch" => "ч", "sh" => "ш", "sch" => "щ", "ie" => "ы", "u" => "у", "ya" => "я", "A" => "А", "B" => "Б",
        "V" => "В", "G" => "Г", "D" => "Д", "E" => "Е", "Yo" => "Ё", "J" => "Ж", "Z" => "З", "I" => "И", "Ji" => "Й",
        "K" => "К", "L" => "Л", "M" => "М",
        "N" => "Н", "O" => "О", "P" => "П",
        "R" => "Р", "S" => "С", "T" => "Т", "Y" => "Ю", "F" => "Ф", "H" => "Х", "C" => "Ц", "Ch" => "Ч", "Sh" => "Ш",
        "Sch" => "Щ", "Ie" => "Ы", "U" => "У", "Ya" => "Я", "'" => "ь", "_'" => "Ь", "''" => "ъ", "_''" => "Ъ",
        "yi" => "ї", "ge" => "ґ",
        "ye" => "є",
        "Yi" => "Ї",
        "II" => "І",
        "Ge" => "Ґ",
        "YE" => "Є",
    return strtr($string, $gost);

 * @param $string
 * @return string only latin letter
function to_latin($string):string
    $gost = [
        "а" => "a", "б" => "b", "в" => "v", "г" => "g", "д" => "d",
        "е" => "e", "ё" => "yo", "ж" => "j", "з" => "z", "и" => "ii",
        "й" => "ji", "к" => "k", "л" => "l", "м" => "m", "н" => "n",
        "о" => "o", "п" => "p", "р" => "r", "с" => "s", "т" => "t",
        "у" => "y", "ф" => "f", "х" => "h", "ц" => "c", "ч" => "ch",
        "ш" => "sh", "щ" => "sch", "ы" => "ie", "э" => "e", "ю" => "u",
        "я" => "ya",
        "А" => "A", "Б" => "B", "В" => "V", "Г" => "G", "Д" => "D",
        "Е" => "E", "Ё" => "Yo", "Ж" => "J", "З" => "Z", "И" => "I",
        "Й" => "Ji", "К" => "K", "Л" => "L", "М" => "M", "Н" => "N",
        "О" => "O", "П" => "P", "Р" => "R", "С" => "S", "Т" => "T",
        "У" => "Y", "Ф" => "F", "Х" => "H", "Ц" => "C", "Ч" => "Ch",
        "Ш" => "Sh", "Щ" => "Sch", "Ы" => "Ie", "Э" => "E", "Ю" => "U",
        "Я" => "Ya",
        "ь" => "'", "Ь" => "_'", "ъ" => "''", "Ъ" => "_''",
        "ї" => "yi",
        "і" => "ii",
        "ґ" => "ge",
        "є" => "ye",
        "Ї" => "Yi",
        "І" => "II",
        "Ґ" => "Ge",
        "Є" => "YE",
    return strtr($string, $gost);

I wrote a full transliteration class for all European languages for utf-8. May help (comments are in polish but there isn't a lot of them so here's a few hints:

  1. numbers stored in constants are idCountry in local databse - you change them as you like.
  2. "Rób transliterację dla " means "do transliteration for " - you determine country by const name.
  3. "Słownik tłumaczący rosyjską cyrylicę wg standardu " means "dictionary with transliteration by standard "
  4. "Tablica wycinająca akcenty z różnych znaków narodowych pobrana z http://stuffofinterest.com/misc/utf8-about.html" means "Array to cut off accents from different languages" (it might help if you find some errors in iconv (or cannot use it for some reason).
  5. Methods utf2ascii and cyr2lat are pretty obvious.

Hope it will help a few people 'cause implementing it was a nightmare :)

Edit: I just noticed that part of the code is missing so I've put the full class on Pastie: class

Respecting the Yandex transliteration rules (http://www.translityandex.ru/) and converting the upper case:

function translit_russian_filenames( $filename ) {
    $info = pathinfo( $filename );
    $ext  = empty( $info['extension'] ) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
    $name = basename( $filename, $ext );
     $cyr = array(
    'а', 'б', 'в', 'г', 'д', 'е', 'ё', 'ж', 'з', 'и', 'й', 'к', 'л', 'м', 'н', 'о', 'п', 'р', 'с', 'т', 'у', 'ф', 'х', 'ц', 'ч', 'ш', 'щ', 'ъ', 'ы', 'ь', 'э', 'ю', 'я',
    'А', 'Б', 'В', 'Г', 'Д', 'Е', 'Ё', 'Ж', 'З', 'И', 'Й', 'К', 'Л', 'М', 'Н', 'О', 'П', 'Р', 'С', 'Т', 'У', 'Ф', 'Х', 'Ц', 'Ч', 'Ш', 'Щ', 'Ъ', 'ы', 'Ь', 'Э', 'Ю', 'Я' );
    $lat = array(
    'a', 'b', 'v', 'g', 'd', 'e', 'yo', 'zh', 'z', 'i', 'y', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'f', 'h', 'c', 'ch', 'sh', 'shch', '', 'y', '', 'e', 'yu', 'ya',
    'a', 'b', 'v', 'g', 'd', 'e', 'yo', 'zh', 'z', 'i', 'y', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'f', 'h', 'c', 'ch', 'sh', 'shch', '', 'y', '', 'e', 'yu', 'ya');
    $name_translit = str_replace($cyr, $lat, $name);
    return $name_translit . $ext;
add_filter( 'sanitize_file_name', 'translit_russian_filenames', 10 );

This one worked best for me. Code is from this page

function ru2lat($str)
    $tr = array(
    "А"=>"a", "Б"=>"b", "В"=>"v", "Г"=>"g", "Д"=>"d",
    "Е"=>"e", "Ё"=>"yo", "Ж"=>"zh", "З"=>"z", "И"=>"i", 
    "Й"=>"j", "К"=>"k", "Л"=>"l", "М"=>"m", "Н"=>"n", 
    "О"=>"o", "П"=>"p", "Р"=>"r", "С"=>"s", "Т"=>"t", 
    "У"=>"u", "Ф"=>"f", "Х"=>"kh", "Ц"=>"ts", "Ч"=>"ch", 
    "Ш"=>"sh", "Щ"=>"sch", "Ъ"=>"", "Ы"=>"y", "Ь"=>"", 
    "Э"=>"e", "Ю"=>"yu", "Я"=>"ya", "а"=>"a", "б"=>"b", 
    "в"=>"v", "г"=>"g", "д"=>"d", "е"=>"e", "ё"=>"yo", 
    "ж"=>"zh", "з"=>"z", "и"=>"i", "й"=>"j", "к"=>"k", 
    "л"=>"l", "м"=>"m", "н"=>"n", "о"=>"o", "п"=>"p", 
    "р"=>"r", "с"=>"s", "т"=>"t", "у"=>"u", "ф"=>"f", 
    "х"=>"kh", "ц"=>"ts", "ч"=>"ch", "ш"=>"sh", "щ"=>"sch", 
    "ъ"=>"", "ы"=>"y", "ь"=>"", "э"=>"e", "ю"=>"yu", 
    "я"=>"ya", " "=>"-", "."=>"", ","=>"", "/"=>"-",  
    ":"=>"", ";"=>"","—"=>"", "–"=>"-"
return strtr($str,$tr);

Hope this helps someone.

Since all above are incomplete, here is my version:

    $textcyr="Тест на кирилице";
    $textlat="Test na kirilitse!";
         $cyr  = array('а','б','в','г','д','е','ё','ж','з','и','й','к','л','м','н','о','п','р','с','т','у', 
            'ф','х','ц','ч','ш','щ','ъ', 'ы','ь', 'э', 'ю','я',
            'Ф','Х','Ц','Ч','Ш','Щ','Ъ', 'Ы','Ь', 'Э', 'Ю','Я' );
$lat = array( 'a','b','v','g','d','e','e','zh','z','i','y','k','l','m','n','o','p','r','s','t','u',
            'f' ,'h' ,'ts' ,'ch','sh' ,'sht' ,'i', 'y', 'y', 'e' ,'yu' ,'ya','A','B','V','G','D','E','E','Zh',
            'F' ,'H' ,'Ts' ,'Ch','Sh' ,'Sht' ,'I' ,'Y' ,'Y', 'E', 'Yu' ,'Ya' );

    $textcyr = str_replace($cyr, $lat, $textcyr);
    $textlat = str_replace($lat, $cyr, $textlat);
    echo("$textcyr $textlat");

I prefered ё = e, ъ = i, ы = y and э = e because I am using that way.

for me the best solution was to use

strtr("Информация",array('И'=>'I','н'=>'n','ф'=>'f', ...and so on... ))

$textcyr = 'Њушка Ћушка Љубав Ђато ђата части ';

$textlat = 'Ljubav njuška džoša Džoša';
$textlat = str_replace("nj","њ",$textlat);
$textlat = str_replace("Nj","Њ",$textlat);
$textlat = str_replace("lj","љ",$textlat);
$textlat = str_replace("Lj","Љ",$textlat);
$textlat = str_replace("dž","џ",$textlat);
$textlat = str_replace("Dž","Џ",$textlat);

$textcyr = str_replace($cyr, $lat, $textcyr);
$textlat = str_replace($lat, $cyr, $textlat);

echo $textcyr;
echo $textlat;




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