
ACS and facebook login -> display=touch is broken? [closed]

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I'm using ACS to auth against Facebook. Before this week, I could add display=touch to the end of the URL ACS is providing. Now when I do this I'm getting a "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error".

Any ideas? The URL is something like:


I've tried m.facebook.com with the same result.

Again, this worked before... and if I remove display=touch (or change it to display=popup) everything is fine.

I want this to display on a WP7 app, thus the touch :)

Thanks SR

Update: Docs say "Display mode in which to render the Dialog. Can be page, popup, iframe, touch, or wap.". Touch and wap return a "HTTP 500 Internal server error".

Also breaks my app and even Seesmic. It needs to be fixed by FB. I created a bug report here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/287213021307964

I ran into this problem myself a few days ago. It appears to be a change Facebook has made on their end, despite what their docs say.

I tried using display=popup instead, which worked for me.





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