How to iterate over groovy class non-static closures and optionally replace them?
I'd like to iterate over groovy class non-static closures and optionally replace them.
I can get MetaClass with something like
and from there I can get all properties like
which is the list of MetaProperty objects.
The problem is that I can't detect which of those properties are closures and which are simple objects. MetaProperty
object's type property return Object in both case.
And about replacing: Let's say, I know that it is a closure A, then can I create another closure B that wraps closure A with some optional code and replace that closure A with B in the class definition? Should work like some sort of interceptor.
This is one way I have tried out:
class Test {
def name = 'tim'
def processor = { str ->
"Hello $name $str"
Test t = new Test() {
if( t[ ].metaClass.respondsTo( it, 'doCall' ) ) {
println "$ is a closure"
def old = t[ ]
t.metaClass[ ] = { str ->
"WOO! ${old( str )}"
println t.processor( 'groovy!' ) // prints 'WOO! Hello tim groovy!'
However, it would need expanding as I rely on the fact that I know how many parameters it takes for the patching closure replacement
There may also be a simpler way to do this...