active_merchant: A field was longer or shorter than the server allows
I'm implementing paypal direct payment using activemerchant Following is the code
def credit_card_details
credit_card = ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditC开发者_C百科
:first_name => 'Bob',
:last_name => 'Bobsen',
:number => '4242424242424242',
:month => '8',
:year => '2012',
:verification_value => '123')
errors.add(:expire_year, "Credit card expired") if credit_card.expired?
errors.add(:cc_number, "invalid credit card details") unless credit_card.valid?
if credit_card.valid?
# Capture $10 from the credit card
amount = 1000
response = PAYPAL_GATEWAY.purchase(amount, credit_card)
if response.success?
puts "Successfully charged $#{sprintf("%.2f", amount / 100)} to the credit card #{credit_card.display_number}"
raise StandardError, response.inspect
I was trying with other credit card details but it was causing "A field was longer or shorter than the server allows" this error. So I replaced cc details with one specified in active_merchants github page still no luck. I dont understand what is wrong?
I think you missed the card_type or branch. One of those two is deprecated. Try and see which works. Since you missed the credit card type, maybe fields are misaligned or mapped wrong.