
linq query works on every machine but mine [closed]

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So, I have a simple linq query. Other programmers (all on Win7, VS2010) can run the select without issue. I can use SQL Profiler on my machine to hit the server db (we are all hitting the same SQL Server 2008 db on a development server) and see the actual query works in SQL Server Mgmt studio from my machine, but the IQueryable object returns 0 results.

We are all using the same exact code base (everything is checked into Hg and we are all synched). I have restarted my machine and the server the db resides on in case there was some caching going on.

If I remove the where clause I actually get results back. We are all at a loss. Anyone have any bright ideas???

Here is the code in case you want to see but I don't think it matters in this case:

IQueryable<MOffice> offices = (from returnData in entityModel.MOffices
 开发者_开发百科                                            where returnData.HiringProjectCoordinator == true
                                             select returnData).Take((int)topCount);
            return offices.ToList();

Try this

var results = entityModel.MOffices
                  .Where(x=>x.HiringProjectCoordinator == true)
int count = results.Count();
return results;

Inspect that count is as you expect. Remove the comment as needed.

  • Does the query work on LinqPad?
  • Confirmed everyone is referencing the same database? For sure? i.e. change one particular record firstName to 'foo' to determine.
  • Does a similar query to another table act same?

Use LinqPad then inspect the generated SQL statement of your LINQ.





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