
Toolkit not beeping on ubuntu

I am having problems with Toolkit's beep. I commented out the two speaker disabling lines in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf. I cannot use the console code 7 to beep because I need it to work in Swing and I would like it to be audible开发者_运维百科 in Eclipse IDE (rather than to show a special symbol in the console-like pane in Eclipse). When not in the Eclipse IDE, I have tested code 7 and found it to be audible so I know it is not a loose connector problem. I do have nice sound effects via .wav files but sometimes I just want a simple beep and I don't want to use a lot of CPU cycles to achieve it. Presently I am using Runtime.getRuntime().exec("beep") but that also seems a bit excessive. I am on ubuntu 10.10. The computer board is a Gigabyte MA 770 UD3. Below is the offending program.

import java.awt.Toolkit;

public class Beeper
    public static void main(String[] args)

From blacklist.conf is the following.

# low-quality, just noise when being used for sound playback, causes
# hangs at desktop session start (Ubuntu: #246969)
#blacklist snd_pcsp

# ugly and loud noise, getting on everyone's nerves; this should be done by a
# nice pulseaudio bing (Ubuntu: #77010)
#blacklist pcspkr

I guess that your pcspks module isn't loaded... I had the same problem and found out that on my system (14.04 LTS), it wasn't.

Check if it's loaded by doing a lsmod | grep pcspkr in a terminal. If you get a line similar to

pcspkr                 12718  0 `

it is loaded. If you do not get any output back from the command, try to load the module:

sudo modprobe pcspkr

That did the trick for me.





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