
How can I test if a value is a string or an int? [duplicate]

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Possible Duplicate:

Finding Variable Type in JavaScript

How can I test if a value is a string or an int? Something like.开发者_JAVA技巧..

X = ?

if X is an Int {}

if X is a String {}


You can use the typeof operator:

var x = 1;
console.log(typeof x);
x = 'asdf';
console.log(typeof x);



Here's a function that favors typeof, but defaults to Object.prototype.toString (which is much slower) when needed.

This way some of those unexpected values you'll get from new String('x') or null or /regex/ (in Chrome) are covered.

var type = (function () {
    var toString = Object.prototype.toString,
        typeof_res = {
            'undefined': 'undefined',
            'string': 'string',
            'number': 'number',
            'boolean': 'boolean',
            'function': 'function'
        tostring_res = {
            '[object Array]': 'array',
            '[object Arguments]': 'arguments',
            '[object Function]': 'function',
            '[object RegExp]': 'regexp',
            '[object Date]': 'date',
            '[object Null]': 'null',
            '[object Error]': 'error',
            '[object Math]': 'math',
            '[object JSON]': 'json',
            '[object Number]': 'number',
            '[object String]': 'string',
            '[object Boolean]': 'boolean',
            '[object Undefined]': 'undefined'
    return function type(x) {
        var the_type = typeof_res[typeof x];
        return the_type && (the_type !== 'function' || (x.apply && x.call)) ?
            the_type :
            tostring_res[toString.call(x)] || (x ? 'object' : 'null');

type( new String('test') ); // string
type( function(){} );       // function
type( null );               // null
type( /regex/ );            // regexp

EDIT: I had just done a rewrite, and removed a key part of the function. Fixed.

Or for a more compact version:

var type = (function() {
    var i, lc, toString = Object.prototype.toString,
        typeof_res = {},
        tostring_res = {},
        types = 'Undefined,String,Number,Boolean,Function,Array,Arguments,RegExp,Date,Null,Error,Math,JSON'.split(',');
    for (i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        lc = types[i].toLowerCase();
        if (i < 5) typeof_res[lc] = lc;
        tostring_res['[object ' + types[i] + ']'] = lc;

    return function type(x) {
        var the_type = typeof_res[typeof x];
        return the_type && (the_type !== 'function' || (x.apply && x.call)) ? 
            the_type : 
            tostring_res[toString.call(x)] || (x ? 'object' : 'null');

typeof does the trick most of the time. But if your Number or String is not a primitive, it will return 'object'. Generally, that is not what you want.

var str = new String('Hello');
typeof str; // 'object'

typeof also says that null is an 'object' and in WebKit, a regex is a 'function'. I think the main advantage of typeof is to check for a variable without throwing a ReferenceError.

You can check a variable's constructor property too, or use variable instanceof String. However, both of these don't work in a multiple window environment when using cross window code.

The other guaranteed way of determining the type is with...

var getType = function(variable) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(variable).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase();


use JavaScript built in typeof function

var s = "string",
    n = 1; // number

if(typeof s == 'string'){
  //do stuff for string

if(typeof n == 'number'){
  //do stuff for number

Others have already talked about the typeof operator, and use of Object.prototype.toString, but if you want to specifically test for an int as compared to any sort of number then you can do some variation of this:

function isInt(n) {
   return typeof n === "number" && n === Math.floor(n);

(Insert all the Object.prototype.toString stuff if desired.)





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