
Cannot send email from Liferay Web Forms

I am using Liferay Web Forms for email sending purposes.

Done so far:

  • Setup the form title and description.
  • Altered the input field names.
  • Ticked the "Send Email" functionality, set up mail title and address.
  • Changed portal settings so that vir开发者_Go百科tual host name, email server name and sender email address from my own domain

I can get this to work on my local development machine if I add the smtp configurations on portal-ext.properties and conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml

My problem is on putting this to another server machine, with a different tomcat server installed and no previous conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml folder existing. I took a bundle from internet and don't know how the folder is set up to my dev machine i.e. I don't know how this should be configured on a machine which does not previously have that file.

Do I have to make some changes before the tomcat finds the added ROOT.xml? I already restarted server with no effect.

I believe the Web Form portlet will use mail configurations set by a preference in Control Panel.

Goto Control Panel > Server Administration > Mail to configure the Mail settings.

RP is correct with regards to configuration location in his answer. You can also have it in portal-ext.properties, as long as the file has a dash and not an underscore in the name (this is either a typo in your question here or in your setup - in the later case it'd be the reason for the settings not being picked up)

You can send the mail by following the link below using spring mvc and liferay    




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