
Objective-c copying objects error

I'm trying to copy an array to another but it's not working. The original array I want to copy contains five objects; the resulting array is empty.

The array is set up as a property like this:

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *drinks;

My viewDidLoad method looks like this:

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    checkCounter = 0;
    Drink *drink1 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test1" caffeine:11] autor开发者_运维知识库elease];
    Drink *drink2 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test2" caffeine:22] autorelease];
    Drink *drink3 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test3" caffeine:33] autorelease];
    Drink *drink4 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test4" caffeine:44] autorelease];
    Drink *drink5 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test5" caffeine:55] autorelease];
    NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects: drink1, drink2, drink3, drink4, drink5, nil];
    drinks = [array mutableCopy];

Objective-c copying objects error

Objective-c copying objects error

Does anyone have any idea why it doesn't work? I've tried using the regular copy method as well and simply assigning it but it doesn't work.

EDIT 1: The "array" variable actually gets initialised properly, however it does not get copied over. I have tried to directly initialise the "drinks" array but no matter what I try the "drinks" array remains empty.

EDIT 2: I have added screenshots to hopefully clear up some things.

First, you are leaking pretty much everything but the drinks array; all of the individual drink objects and the array are over-retained once or twice in that code.

Secondly, drinks could only be empty if drink1 through drink5 are nil. maybe initWithImage:name:caffeine: is returning nil when the image is nil?

Drink object doesn't conform to the NSMutableCopying Protocol? You should use this easier:

drinks = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:array];

require declare array as NSArray, or simpler:

drinks = [array copy];

if was me, your code is:

- (void)viewDidLoad
        [super viewDidLoad];
        checkCounter = 0;
        Drink *drink1 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test1" caffeine:11] autorelease];
        Drink *drink2 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test2" caffeine:22] autorelease];
        Drink *drink3 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test3" caffeine:33] autorelease];
        Drink *drink4 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test4" caffeine:44] autorelease];
        Drink *drink5 = [[[Drink alloc] initWithImage:nil name:@"Test5" caffeine:55] autorelease];
        drinks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects: drink1, drink2, drink3, drink4, drink5, nil];




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