
view thumbnail link putting a 0 after my url when clicked - why?

I created this view with a thumbnail containing a link that leads to the full node. The URL to the full node is the name of the node with a 0 after it. For example instead of localhost/sitename/name-of-the-node the URL becomes localhost/sitename/name-of-the-node-0.

What shows up then is a sort of 'stripped' version of the full node where in my case the node title is missing, the full body text will show up but its hard to 开发者_运维知识库style with css and things are weird.

note for moderators: I posted this same question to drupal answers to contribute to making it active, but last question i posted in drupal answers it literally took 13 days before a response came, so I hope I can keep this question in SO as well because I'm a little (much :-)) pressed for time.

Ok, so the 0 in the URL comes when pathauto makes a URL out of a duplicate node title. Change nodetitle.





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