
In flex how can someone add both bold and border?

I am trying to make a text area in flex 4.5. The problem is i need some part of it as bold not all. Also i need border.

A simple code is

<s:TextArea text="Text here1     Text here2">

By default s:TextArea contain border but I cant bold only one part of text that is "text here1"

If I try to use mx:TextArea Then I cant add border to it.

Please if anyone can help over how to add border along with if i can make only a part of text as bold or of different开发者_高级运维 color etc.

Why can't you add a border to mxTextArea? There are a couple of ways:

  • specify borderStyle css property;
  • write a skin class, which draws a border and background you need, and assign it to borderSkin css property;
  • draw a 3x3 graphic skin and assign it to borderSkin css property.

Place a border container around the control

Use the textFlow property instead of the text property and you will be able to use rich text (bold, italics and so on). http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flashx/textLayout/elements/TextFlow.html





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