
PHP - JS and CSS minifier [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.

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I have a simple CSS minifier which... all it does is removes whitespace and comments. I'm rather happy with it but if there is something better - let me know.

Now for JS minifiers, I have this beast of a thing here: https://github.com/rgrove/jsmin-php/blob/master/jsmin.php of course, I have some pretty long JS scripts. I want something long, to minify rather quickly. Minifying jQuery (I know it's already got a minified) takes 2 seconds, sometimes even 4 or more! I won't have files as large of jQuery, but I may get some half as large and I doubt 1-2 seconds to load a single JS file is very attractive.

I'm wondering if there is some quick minifiers out there? I only need a minifier, I don't need something that combines, caches etc.

You do not need a quick minifier - just build (minify) new version of your javascript when you do changes and save it all into js file

$js = file_get_contents($_GET['f']);
$md = md5($js); // you can use sth faster, such as date comparsion
if (file_exists('cache/'.$md.'.js')) {
  echo file_get_contents('cache/'.$md.'.js');
} else {
  $min = yourJsMinifierFunc($js);
  file_put_contents('cache/'.$md.'.js', $min);
  echo $min;

Ok, it should work for you. Once you modify your .js file, it's being minified and cached.

I suggest you to have a look at Assetic library. With Assetic you can manage from PHP side all of your assets applying filters as you need





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