
declaring sizes of vectors in a collection. c++

using namespace std;

vector<vector<T> > vec_collection(3);


Suppose I have an empty collection of 3 vectors and after initialization, I want the first, second, and third vector to be of specific size 12, 3, and 14 say. Is the above code snippet the right way to declare their sizes?

Your code in line of principle creates separated temporary vector instances that replace the existing zero-size ones, which in theory means that for every of those lines you have a constructor call (create the temporary), a copy-constructor call (copy it over the existing vector) and a destructor call (destroy the temporary).

Although I think that some optimizations could make it actually better than it sounds, it's way easier and almost surely more efficient to simply do:

using namespace std;

vector< vector<T> > vec_collection(3);


On the other hand, if you need such vectors to be always of that fixed size, you should replace them with fixed-size data structures (e.g. a struct containing three C-style arrays or std::array), as in @sehe's answer.

Yes. Allthough it doesn't make the vectors fixed-size (vectors can be resized explicitely, or implicitely - e.g. using push_back or insert).

Finally, vectors can simply be assigned over.

If you need strongtype, fixed-size, jagged nested vectors (urrfff that's a mouth-full):

#include <tuple>
#include <array>

using std::array;
using std::tuple;

typedef tuple<
       array<T, 12>,
       array<T, 3>,
       array<T, 14>
    > vec_collection;

That would be a bit more awkward to work with, but if speed and container size guarantees were of the essence, go for it.

Note that in pre-TR1 world (say, c++98 with a c++03 library), this would be pretty close to equivalent (but even less comfortable to work with):

struct vec_collection
     T a[12];
     T b[3];
     T c[14];

If you have C++11, you can do it with an initialiser list, which is more efficient:

vector<vector<T>> vec_collection(3) { vector<T>(12), vector<T>(3), vector<T>(14) };

Otherwise, you can do it the way you're doing which is fine, or just call resize on the elements like in Matteo's answer.

vector< vector<T>* > vec_collection(3); // i changed it to a vector of vector<T>*

 vec_collection[0]=new vector<MyType>(12);

You probably want to replace with in the code. E.g.


Moreover, if your vector are fixed size, you can just use arrays.





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