
Can I Display Different Data Depending On What Row Number Is In Return, MYSQL?

$sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id='$pageid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 4"; 
$query = mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand) or die (mysqli_error()); 
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { 

    $id = $row["id"];
    $titleCurVid = $row["title"];
    $keywords = $row["keywords"];

    $returnVariable = 'Hi, I am the first r开发者_Python百科eturn in the MYSQL select';

I want the $returnVariable to display different thing depending on what # return. for example. I want for the,

$returnVariable = 'Hi, I am the SECOND return in MYSQL';

to display that in the second returned row. I am sorry for my horrible explenation, I am just new to php and I don't know the terminology very well.

Nevermind, problem solved. I just did 4 different of these fetches.

  • 1st Return (the one with the unique, special format display):

    $sql_storyPublisher1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM story ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_storyPublisher1))
        $publisherID1 = $row["id"];
        $publishertitle1 = $row["title"];
        $returnVariable1 = '<li id="selected" class="firstSlide YellowSelected">' . $publisherID1 . '</li>';    

Thanks for the help everyone, I guess the simple solution what just using the OFFSET command.

  • 2nd, 3rd & 4th Return (obviously replacing the number 2 with whatever # return it is):

    $sql_storyPublisher2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM story ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1");
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_storyPublisher2))
        $publisherID2 = $row["id"];
        $publishertitle2 = $row["title"];
        $returnVariable2 = '<li id="" class="secondSlide">' . $publisherID2 . '</li>';  

You can create an array that stores the numbers (something like $arr = array(1 => "first", 2 => "second", 3 => "third", 4 => "fourth"); and so on Then use a counter variable to access that array within the loop. Here's what I'm thinking...

    $sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id='$pageid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 4";  
    $query = mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand) or die (mysqli_error());  

    $arr = array(1 => "first", 2 => "second", 3 => "third", 4 => "fourth", 5 => "fifth"); //and so on
    $counter = 1
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {  

        $id = $row["id"]; 
        $titleCurVid = $row["title"]; 
        $keywords = $row["keywords"]; 

        $returnVariable = 'Hi, I am the '.$arr[$counter].' return in the MYSQL select'; 

The syntax may be incorrect, but you get the idea. Note that the above example only shows it if there are 5 or less records.

Hope it makes sense.

You don't need to make four separate queries to the database... I meant something more like this:

///// 1st Return (the one with the unique, special format display) =

$sql_storyPublisher1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM story ORDER BY id DESC");

$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_storyPublisher1);

$publisherID1 = $row["id"];
$publishertitle1 = $row["title"];

$returnVariable1 = '<li id="selected" class="firstSlide YellowSelected">' . $publisherID1 . '</li>';    

///// 2nd, 3rd & 4th Return (obviously replacing the number 2 with whatever # return it is) =

$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_storyPublisher2);

$publisherID2 = $row["id"];
$publishertitle2 = $row["title"];

$returnVariable2 = '<li id="" class="secondSlide">' . $publisherID2 . '</li>';  

Of course there are probably better ways to do it, but this is simple and readable. You might want to make sure you'll actually have 4 rows. you can us if if you're not sure:

if($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_storyPublisher2)) {

    $publisherID2 = $row["id"];
    $publishertitle2 = $row["title"];

    $returnVariable2 = '<li id="" class="secondSlide">' . $publisherID2 . '</li>';  




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