operation of the "image" and "pcolor" function in matlab for visualizing matrices
I have matrices which I wish to visualize to get a feel for the values they contain. But the function image which I use by default gives a poor result. I have to scale the matrix manually with an appropriate value before the visualization is suitable. my matrices scaled by value 1:
my matrices scaled by value 10
my matrices scaled by value 50
my matrices scaled by value 10000
my matrices with value 10000 added
but using function pcolor the scaling or addition does not change the presented matrices' colorings regardless of the value
I thought that image should be scale invariant? That it normalizes the data beforehand. Can pcolor be trusted that it is doing a proper scale translation to color values? Is there some parameter or way to make image be stable? And why is pcolor not plotting the same information?
image(C) uses the elements of C to directly index the figure's colormap.
pcolor(C) linearly scales the elements of C to fill the figure's colormap then indexes them.
You can use imagesc to produce a scaled image which will be invariant in the same way as pcolor.