
Where can I find a yacc grammar for ECMAscript/Actionscript/Javascript [closed]

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My compilers class requires us to find a yacc grammar for one of these languages and combine it with the tokenizer we wrote. Presumably this is something easy to Google but I can't find it and my classmates are struggling as well. A yacc grammar for any of those thr开发者_JAVA百科ee languages would suffice.

The grammar at the bellow link uses LALR parser(see [Changelog][1]) same as Yacc, I think is much closer to what you need than ANTLR wich usees LL according to this answer: Can a ANTLR grammar file be modified to be used by PLY?

You can find the LALR Ecmascript grammar here: http://scriptonite.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/scriptonite/scriptonite/src/ecmascript.grammar?revision=1.7





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