
Error handling for MySQL queries

Instead of sending queries to PHPs mysql_query() function I currently send my queries to a custom wrapper sql_query(), which, amongst other things does the "mysql_query" part.

The problem with this setup is that when there's an SQL error the file and the line number are where the sql_query() function is located, rather then where the actual SQL que开发者_开发问答ry is.

Is there a way of having PHP report the file and linenumber of where sql_query() is called from, rather than where the mysql_query() function actually is?


And many helpful example there for your problem. One of this. Surprisingly, no one has described one of the best uses of this: dumping a variable and showing the location. When debugging, especially a big and unfamiliar system, it's a pain remembering where I added those var dumps. Also, this way there is a separator between multiple dump calls.


function dump( $var ) {
     $result = var_export( $var, true );
     $loc = whereCalled();
     return "\n<pre>Dump: $loc\n$result</pre>";

 function whereCalled( $level = 1 ) {
     $trace = debug_backtrace();
     $file   = $trace[$level]['file'];
     $line   = $trace[$level]['line'];
     $object = $trace[$level]['object'];
     if (is_object($object)) { $object = get_class($object); }

     return "Where called: line $line of $object \n(in $file)";

You need the stack trace. It's usually in the error context, otherwise you can use libraries like xdebug to fetch one.

Can you pass this information to the wrapper using __FILE__ and __LINE__ constants.

You should add some error-handling to your sql_query(). You could check this functions:

mysql_errno and mysql_error and in case of you have any error raise an exception.





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