
Convert duration from 0:00 or 00:00 to 00:00:00

I'm doing up an application that converts the STRING duration of a media file in C#. How do I make it so that the output are as follows:

a. 1:34 (1min 34 sec) to 00:01:34

b. 0:05 (5 seconds) to 00:00:05

c. 1:10:05 to 01:10:05

Result will be displayed in a label named lblDuration.

I am using VS2008 C#.

Thanks if you c开发者_开发知识库an help.

I would parse it as a TimeSpan, and then reformat it using

string text = timeSpan.ToString("hh':'mm':'ss");

This is assuming you're using .NET 4 with its support for custom TimeSpan formats. Before .NET 4 you'd have to write it yourself - not too hard, but harder than the above.

Parsing the timespan to start with is a different matter - you could use TimeSpan.TryParseExact passing in multiple formats, for example.

The benefit of parsing and then reformatting is that you'll validate that you've got sensible date - e.g. not "99:99".

Split the string with a colon (':'), convert each element to a number and print each number using %02d, putting a ':' between 1st and 2nd and 2nd and 3rd

I think the nicest thing to do here is use TimeSpan.TryParse, BUT we have to be careful - if that method sees an input string with only one :, it will parse it as hours:minutes!

(TryParseExact gets fiddly because no single format accepts both leading zeroes and the absence of leading zeroes).


var input = "5:06";

TimeSpan ts;

var parseSuccessful = TimeSpan.TryParse(input, out ts);

if  (parseSuccessful)
    if (input.Count(c => c == ':') == 1)
        // TryParse parsed this as hh:mm but we want it to mean mm:ss
        // so scale appropriately
        ts = new TimeSpan(ts.Ticks / 60);


How about parsing it to a DateTime object then formatting it that way e.g.

DateTime.ParseExact("1:32", 'H:mm', CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("HH:mm:ss");

Just to clarify - The above solution is a work-around for .NET versions prior to 4 in which you don't have access to custom TimeSpan formats. If you are using .NET 4 then I would definitely recommend using the TimeSpan as @Jon has suggested

    private static string GetLable(string text)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
            return "00:00:00";
        var builder = new StringBuilder();
        var arr = text.Split(new[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        if (arr.Length == 2)
        var i = 0;
        foreach (var t in arr)
            builder.Append(t.Length == 1 ? "0" + t : t);
            if (arr.Length - 1 != i++)
        return builder.ToString();

public void convertString()


        string str;

        str = "your time";

        int length = str.Length;

        if (length == 4)


            str = "00" + ":" +"0"+ str;


        if (length == 5)

            str = "00" + ":" + str;



    static void Main(string[] args)


        Program p = new Program();






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