
rich:pickList with Ajax updates

I have a RichFaces pick开发者_JS百科List from which the user should be able to select multiple items and it should be directly reflected on the backing bean. Right now I have no way to reload selection in case of a validation error or in case the page is reloaded. Is there a simple way to tell RichFaces that I want the backing list to be updated on every change?

You can attach to onlistchange event.

Using a4j:support:

<rich:pickList ...>
    <a4j:support event="onlistchange"/>

Or, in newer versions, using a4j:ajax:

<rich:pickList ...>
    <a4j:ajax event="change" render="result"/>

Or using a4j:jsFunction:

<rich:pickList onlistchange="listChange();"... />
<a4j:jsFunction name="listChange" />

Both approaches in the form above will submit the form causing submitting selected values. You can also specify additional attributes for a4j:support/a4j:jsFunction if needed (for example ajaxSingle="true" for a4j:support to process only pickList component (other inputs will not be validated/updated), action/actionListener to execute server side logic when list is changed, reRender, etc.).

Have you try to declare your pickList in a panel with ajaxRendered="true" ? This should automatically reRender the pickList

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">

<h:form> <rich:pickList value="#{pickListBean.result}"> <f:selectItems value="#{capitalsBean.capitalsOptions}"/> <a4j:support event="onlistchanged" reRender="result"/> </rich:pickList> </h:form>





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