zxing not found exception in android
Hello everyone,
If any one of you can help me this. I am using zxing to decode barCode image, but it returns com.google.zxing.NotFoundException, don't know why. The same image gets decoded via Intent provided开发者_StackOverflow中文版 to zxing, but not when I use it to decode from image file.
The code that I am using is below :
mMultiFormatReader = new MultiFormatReader();
BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(new RGBLuminanceSource(path)));
Result result = mMultiFormatReader.decodeWithState(bitmap);
I don't think it's exactly the same image, since you can't have it scan a file by Intent. I assume you mean that you can scan the image off your screen fine, but the image itself does not decode.
That's just life, really. Some images won't happen to decode. But you may try TRY_HARDER mode or use a different binarizer to see if that works.