Create new Place Facebook SDK C#
I have created an application for wp7, from which you can post your location on facebook via checkin, I just don't know how can I create a new location if it doesn't exist yet? I don't even know how can I creatit at the facebook site as well.
This is how I post, so that you see what I'm talking about:
JsonObject coordinates = new JsonObject();
coordinates.Add("latitude", _latitude);
coordinates.Add("longitude", _longitude);
var arguments = new Dictionary<string, object>();
arguments["access_token"] = _accessToken;
arguments["place"] = selected.ID;
arguments["coordinates"] = coordinates.ToString();
fb.PostAsync("me/checkins", arguments);
I hope someone can help. Best Regards
Dictionary<string, object> position = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>();
position.Add("latitude", 25.04098367f);
position.Add("longitude", 121.54597771f);
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters.Add("access_token", _accessToken);
parameters.Add("message", "自行開發應用程式打卡");
parameters.Add("place", "236679649740148");
parameters.Add("coordinates", position);
parameters.Add("place", "236679649740148"); -> what is this number? 236679649740148
this number should be your app ID