
JSF - Richfaces, process submitted form data and then confirm to continue or cancel

I want to show a confirmation dialog to continiue or cancel a save operation when a form is submitted. I have a form with a save button which is calling an action methode to persist data in the form. When save button is clicked, a file will be readed on serverside before the form data is persisted. Data from the file will be joined into form data and then te form data will be persisted. I need some values from the form to define which file will be readed. There is no problem so far. When a FileNotFoundException throwed or the neccessary data from the file is not found, then i want to show a confirmation dialog to continiue or cancel save operation with caused message.

Does anybody have some examp开发者_JS百科les or any ideas how to handle this? Do i need to use a4j? Thanks. I am using Rifchfaces 3.3.3 and Seamframework 2.2.

At first i have to correct my question title. It is not going on "processing submitted form data" but a form data that will be submitted after some validation.

Now the solution.

For example I have following in my form:

  • some filelds

  • an a4j:commandButton to reRender the fields and perform doSomeStuff() action

  • an hidden h: or a4j:commandButton to submit the form.

1- User clicks on 'fake' submit button which is an a4j:commandButtton,

2- Ajax call updates fields in reRender attribute

3- After that,method doSomeStuff() is performed with rerendered field values

4- In the end Javascript will run to submit form or not.


<h:form id="myForm">
<h:inputText id="name" value="#{personHome.person.name}"/>
<h:inputText id="surname" value="#{personHome.person.surname}"/>    

<a:commandButton value="Save" reRender="name, surname" 
            oncomplete="return checkMessage('#{personHome.success}')" 
            id="a4jSave"    />

<h:commandButton id="save" value="Save"
style="visibility:hidden" /> 



<script  language="javascript">        

           function checkMessage(success) {
                 if(success =='false') 
                    return confirm('Do you want to submit this form?') ? submitForm() : false;
                 }   else {
                           submitForm ();

            function submitForm() {
                return false;


Yes you need to use a4j.

Try something like that (non tested, but follow the algorithm) :

<a4j:commandButton  onclick="if(messageHasToBeDisplayed){Richfaces.showModalPanel('modalId');}else{doSomeStuff();}"  />
<a4j:jsFunction name="doSomeStuff" action="#{controller.doSomeStuff}" reRender="..."/>

This shows you how to display a modal panel if necessary. Without more code I can't help you more, but I think this should help you...





验证码 换一张
取 消

