
How can I apply less stylesheets as a css on the fly?

Recently I started to experiment with LESS, and Im really enthusiastic about it. Its a really nice tool to optimize css. Anyway I installed into my project file as it was written on their website 4 steps, very EZ. I use MVC3 framework with razor engine, and in my view I just can not apply the .less files as a css for the browser.

When I used like this, its just worked brilliantly

 <style type="text/css">
       @Less.Parse(".transparency(@opacity: 50) {opacity:@opacity/100; filter:~'alpha(opacity = '@opacity~')';}.disabled {.transparency}")

But when I tried to apply it as a css file the browser just ignored it

<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="/Content/Css/Pm/Pm.less" media="screen" />

I had no comp开发者_如何学编程iling error in my less file, and the compiled less just looked great, I thought dotless going to handle it automatically, but apparently thats not the case. Im not sure what would be the best approach, read out the less file content as a stream and write it back into a css file or modify the view engine like int this article or write a helper like this?

If you are concerned about CPU usage, you could always look at using precompilation, take a look at this question: Visual studio - precompile - dotless

The answers give a number of options:

  • Pre-build task in your project file
  • Chirpy
  • Command-line using the dotless compiler
  • A number of people also wrote custom build tools (including myself): JsBuildTools, LessCssForVisualStudio




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