Generic way to set property values with .NET
I have hundreds of properties that need to be set in an object, which is hierarchical by nature and would like a generic way of doing so, is this feasible? One of the driving reasons is for error checking and logging.
In this sample below I am setting ReferenceModelIdentifier to a string
public override void Execute(MESSAGE message)
message.MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier= "";
Tasks.Add(new AboutVersionsTask(LoanNumber, LoanState));
Tasks.Add(new DealSetsTask(LoanNumber, LoanState));
foreach (var task in Tasks)
using (task)
// Were the tasks successful?
Debug.Assert(mes开发者_如何学编程sage.DEAL_SETS.DEAL_SET.Count > 0, "DEAL_SET");
Log.Info("Finished Execute");
and in this sample I am setting ApplicationReceivedDate to another object of type MISMODate
public override void Execute(MESSAGE message)
var node = new LOAN_DETAIL();
var con = GetOpenConnection();
string sql;
IEnumerable<dynamic> data;
dynamic first;
if (LoanState == LoanStateEnum.AtClosing)
//(224) ApplicationReceivedDate
sql = @"
SELECT date ApplicationReceivedDate
FROM foo (nolock)
WHERE loannum = @loannum";
data = con.Query<dynamic>(sql, new { loannum = new DbString { Value = LoanNumber, IsFixedLength = true, Length = 15, IsAnsi = true } });
first = data.First();
node.ApplicationReceivedDate = new MISMODate { TypedValue = first.ApplicationReceivedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") };
What I started out coding was something along the lines of
protected void SetValue(Object property, Object value)
and the usage would be
SetValue(message.MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier, "");
What I ended up doing was this
protected void SetValue(object theObject, string theProperty, object theValue)
var msgInfo = theObject.GetType().GetProperty(theProperty);
msgInfo.SetValue(theObject, theValue, null);
catch (Exception e)
and usage would be
SetValue(message, "MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier", "");
Thank you, Stephen
You can iterate over your object graph and set property values with reflection:
object obj; // your object
Type t = obj.GetType();
foreach (var propInfo in t.GetProperties())
propInfo.SetValue(obj, value, null);
If you can ensure that your class properties have getters you can iterate your object graph recursive:
public static void setValsRecursive(object obj, object value)
Type t = obj.GetType();
foreach (var propInfo in t.GetProperties())
if (propInfo.PropertyType.IsClass)
object propVal = propInfo.GetValue(obj, null);
setValsRecursive(propVal, value);
propInfo.SetValue(obj, value, null);
This is a dumb function that sets every property to the same value ...
You can use PropertyInfo
to dynamically set values in a generic way.