
Dynamically populated javascript slideshow [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.

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I would like to create a dynamically populated javascript slide show for an e-commerce site, where I have a product list with several categories.

I would like to be able to create slide shows with roughly 5 linked images displaying at one time, starting with newest products. I'd like to be able to take them all from the same list and put them in different slide shows, so for images from category 1 they are in category 1 slide show, same for cat 2,3, etc...

Is there a tutorial or series of tutorials that could teach me this that someone would personally recommend (there is plenty on dynamically populated javascript and plenty on slide shows, but nothing that links the two in a way I can understand).

If there isn't would someone be willing to share a sample code or something for it, if I can see the code I can figure it out for myself, but if you are willing to explain in detail then that would be even better.


I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but you can try this tutorial: http://sixrevisions.com/tutorials/javascript_tutorial/create-a-slick-and-accessible-slideshow-using-jquery/





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