
What text editor for Windows or Linux supports Objective-C syntax?

This question might look like a duplicate, but it is not.

I am not looking for a full IDE to program iPhone apps on; I am looking for a text editor for Windows or Linux that recognizes Objective-C syntax. I know NotePad++ does, but it really is painful...

What I need is an editor that

  1. auto-completes braces (not possible with NotePad++)
  2. automatically inserts a new line at the end of the file (not possible with NotePad++)
  3. highlights syntax (possible with NotePad++)
  4. auto-completes directives, class names, and/or method 开发者_如何学Gonames (not possible with NotePad++)


The Zeus editor does auto bracing and has configurable syntax highlighting.

It also integrates with ctags to do it's class browsing and code complete.

And since it is scriptable, it should also be possible to write a script to automatically add a line to the end of the file.

Why the Notepad++ hate? I use NP++ when I am forced to be using a Windows box.

I always use VIM for everything I code not on Windows though.

emacs FTW!

emacs has an excellent objective-c-mode, can be customized about umpteen bazillion ways, and can be configured to do auto-completion out the wazoo.

I used emacs as my IDE for over a decade on Windows, Linux and predecessors to Mac OS X during the periods of time when Project Builder (Xcode's long gone predecessor) were unusable.

The learning curve is fairly steep, but emacs is truly an astonishingly powerful editor.

Vim. Do I have to say something else?

You can use Vim in conjunction with clang and the clang_complete plugin to perform autocompletion of objective-c code. For more info see here. clang will do a better job of parsing the code than ctags because clang is a compiler that Apple look like switching to, and one of the goals is to improve code completion.

I don't think the clang_complete plugin supports autocomplete braces though. It might be able to be configured to do so.

You may need to try SublimeText 2 editor, with SublimeClang plugin which performs autocompletion. Of course, you need a configure that plugin with a set of headers from iPhone SDK then. I am using these tools for GNUstep development, probably they should work for you with iPhone SDK as well.

You Can use Komodo IDE for better syntax highlighitng.





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