
Why does typedef affect function overloads?

I have two functions in a class (please comment on the issue and not the coding style):

template <typename T>
class myStringClass

  typedef T* iterator;

  void erase(size_t pos, size_t n); // FUNC#1
  void erase(iterator first, iterator last); //FUNC#2

FUNC#2 is erasing the range while FUNC#1 simply calls FUNC#2 after calculating the appropriate range. In FUNC#1 instead of declaring iterator to calculate the range, I declared T* which is (should be?) essentially the same thing.

// SEGMENT#1 in function erase(size_t pos, size_t n)
T* begin = m_begin + pos;
T* end = begin + n;
erase(begin, end); // call FUNC#2

However, this does not compile. The compiler complains that it cannot convert T* (where T is a char) to size_t (i.e. trying to call `FUNC#1). But if I change the above code to:

// SEGMENT#2 in function erase(size_t pos, size_t n)
iterator begin = m_begin + pos;
iterator end = begin + n;
erase(begin, end); // call FUNC#2

Then the compiler is happy. I assumed that typedef was an alias and was not type-checked. So SEGMENT#1 == SEGMENT#1 as far as the compiler is concerned? Why does one compile and the other doesn't?

EDIT: After testing Oli's code, I checked it against mine and I forgot to add const to the iterators in SEGMENT#2. Aside from the argument that adding const does not make sense in this case, why does that produce the error for T* and not iterator. Here is Oli's code slightly modified if you want to give it a try:

#include <stdlib.h>

template <typename T>
class myStringClass
  T *m_begin;


  typedef T* iterator;

  void erase(size_t pos, size_t n); // FUNC#1
  void erase(iterator first, iterator last); //FUNC#2

template <typename T>
void myStringClass<T>::erase(size_t pos, size_t n)
  const T* begin = m_begin + pos; // replace with iterator to compile
  const T* end = begin + n; // replace with iterator to compile
  erase(begin, end); // call the overload

template <typename T>
void myStringClass<T>::erase(const iterator first, const iterator last)

int main(void)
  myStringClass<char> x;

The following code compiles fine:

#include <stdlib.h>

template <typename T>
class myStringClass
  T *m_begin;


  typedef T* iterator;

  void erase(size_t pos, size_t n); // FUNC#1
  void erase(iterator first, iterator last); //FUNC#2

template <typename T>
void myStringClass<T>::erase(size_t pos, size_t n)
    T* begin = m_begin + pos;
    T* end = begin + n;
    erase(begin, end); // call the overload

template <typename T>
void myStringClass<T>::erase(iterator first, iterator last)

int main(void)
    myStringClass<char> x;

Your problem must be elsewhere.


Now you've shown your real code...

The problem is you're trying to call a function that takes non-const pointers by passing it const pointers. This isn't valid.


Now that you've shown your "real real" code...

The problem is that this:

typedef T *U;
const U x;

is not the same as:

const T *x;

it's actually the same as:

T *const x;

It produces the error for const T * and not for const iterator. And the reason is that const iterator expands to T * const, not const T *.

extern int foo(int i);
extern int bar(int *i);

void baz()
   const int x = 5;
   int y = x;
   foo(x); // Perfectly fine
   foo(y); // Also perfectly fine
   bar(&x); // Not fine at all.
   bar(&y); // Perfectly fine.

void bouncy()
   typedef int my_t;
   typedef int *myptr_t;
   typedef const my_t const_my_t; // const (int) aka const int
   typedef const myptr_t const_myptr_t; // const (int *) aka int * const




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