QSql connect and read from Database example? - Driver not loaded
I've recently started found the need to change from the __mysql module to PyQt's QSql but have nooo idea whatsoever where to start. All I want to do (for now) is read from a database and print the results. This is the furthest I've gotten but I keep getting a "Driver not loaded Driver not loaded" error returned from the query.exec_() function.
Please help!
db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QMYSQL")
db.setHostName ( db_host )
db.setUserName ( db_user )
db.setPassword ( db_passwd )
db.setDatabaseName ( db_db )
db.setPort ( db_port )
defaultDB = QSqlDatabase.database()
query = QSqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Users")
qe = query.exec_()
print "query exec" , query.exec_()
if not qe: # if error
print QSqlQuery.lastError( query ).text()
else: # else display 开发者_StackOverflow社区returned values
while query.next():
print "query value" , query.value(0).toString()
AAAAHH!!!This always happens! Sit with a problem for a day, finally decide to post and ask about it and about 30 mins after you post your problem, you find a solution!
For those interested, I had the same problem as this guy.
Basically you HAVE to create a QApplication instance BEFORE your sql code gets executed... i.e
# this little monkey has to be here
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
# rest of the code
db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QMYSQL")
db.setHostName ( db_host )
db.setUserName ( db_user )
db.setPassword ( db_passwd )
db.setDatabaseName ( db_db )
db.setPort ( db_port )
defaultDB = QSqlDatabase.database()
query = QSqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Users")
qe = query.exec_()
print "query exec" , query.exec_()
if not qe: # if error
print QSqlQuery.lastError( query ).text()
else: # else display returned values
while query.next():
print "query value" , query.value(0).toString()