How to project LINQ-to-SQL query into custom object with a GroupBy and OrderBy
I'm trying to convert this query so that it will output to a custom DTO type object. I want to get only pages with the highest revision number for the int[]
that I pass in.
return from page in db.Pages
where intItemIdArray.Contains(page.pageId)
group page by page.pageId into g
orderby g.Max(x => x.pageId)
select g.OrderByDescending(t => t.revision).First();
But when I try to replace
select g.OrderByDescending(t => t.revision).First();
With something like
select (new JPage {pageid = g.pageId, title = g.title, etc})
.OrderByDescending(t => t.revision)
It doesn't work, can anyone help me out?
This is what I have gone with currently, which I don't like, but it is working perfectly, and I don't need to optimize beyond this currently.
It would be great if someone could improve this.
var pages = from page in db.Pages
where intItemIdArray.Contains(page.pageId)
group page by page.pageId into g
orderby g.Max(x => x.pageId)
select g.OrderByDescending(t => t.revision).First();
return pages.Select(x => new JPage() {
pageId = x.pageId,
pageKey = x.pageKey,
title = x.title,
body = x.body,
isFolder = x.isFolder.ToString(),
leftNode = x.leftNode,
rightNode = x.rightNod开发者_开发技巧e,
revision = x.revision,
sort = x.sort,
createdBy = x.createdBy.ToString(),
createdDate = Utility.DateTimeToUnixTimeStamp(x.createdDate).ToString(),
modifiedDate = Utility.DateTimeToUnixTimeStamp(x.modifiedDate).ToString(),
pageVariationId = x.pagesVariationId,
parentId = x.parentId
I'd suggest that you order before you select; i.e. instead of
select (new JPage {pageid = g.pageId, title = g.title, etc}
.OrderByDescending(t => t.revision).First();
you should try
.OrderByDescending(t => t.revision)
.Select(new JPage {pageid = g.pageId, title = g.title, etc})
You can't order by 'revision' if it doesn't exist in the result of the previous 'select'
This should be a slight improvement
var pages = from page in db.Pages
where intItemIdArray.Contains(page.pageId)
group page by page.pageId into g
select g.First(a => a.revision == g.Max(b => b.revision));