
Memoized recursive functions. How to make them fool-proof?

Memoized functions are functions which remember values they have found. Look in the doc center for some background on this in Mathematica, if necessary.

Suppose you have the following definition

f[0] = f[1] = 1
f[x_] := f[x] = f[x - 1] + f[x - 2]

in one of your packages. A user may load the package and start asking right away f[1000]. This will trigger a $RecursionLimit::reclim error message and abort. Even if the user then tries something smaller, say f[20], by now the definition of f is corrupt and the result is not good anymore.Of course the package developer might increase the recursion limit and warn the user, but my question is:

How can you improve the f definition so that if the user asks for f[1000] he/she gets the answer without any problem? I am interested in a way to trap the user input, analyze it and take whatever steps are necessary to evaluate f[1000].

I can easily imagine that one can change the recursion limit if the input开发者_开发技巧 is more than 255 (and then bring it back to the original level), but what I would really like to see is, if there is a way for the f to find out how many values it "knows" (fknownvalues) and accept any input <=fknownvalues+$RecursionLimit without problems or increase the $RecursionLimit if the input is higher.

Thank you for your help

Here is the code assuming that you can determine a value of $RecursionLimit from the value of the input argument:

  ff[0] = ff[1] = 1;
  ff[x_] := ff[x] = ff[x - 1] + ff[x - 2];

  f[x_Integer] :=f[x] =
     Block[{$RecursionLimit = x + 5},

I am using a local function ff to do the main work, while f just calls it wrapped in Block with a proper value for $RecursionLimit:

In[1552]:= f[1000]
Out[1552]=  7033036771142281582183525487718354977018126983635873274260490508715453711819693357974224


If you want to be more precise with the setting of $RecursionLimit, you can modify the part of the code above as:

f[x_Integer] :=
  f[x] =
    Block[{$RecursionLimit = x - Length[DownValues[ff]] + 10},
    Print["Current $RecursionLimit: ", $RecursionLimit];

The Print statement is here for illustration. The value 10 is rather arbitrary - to get a lower bound on it, one has to compute the necessary depth of recursion, and take into account that the number of known results is Length[DownValues[ff]] - 2 (since ff has 2 general definitions). Here is some usage:

In[1567]:= f[500]//Short

During evaluation of In[1567]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 507
Out[1567]//Short= 22559151616193633087251269<<53>>83405015987052796968498626

In[1568]:= f[800]//Short

During evaluation of In[1568]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 308
Out[1568]//Short= 11210238130165701975392213<<116>>44406006693244742562963426

If you also want to limit the maximal $RecursionLimit possible, this is also easy to do, along the same lines. Here, for example, we will limit it to 10000 (again, this goes inside Module):

f::tooLarge = 
"The parameter value `1` is too large for single recursive step. \
Try building the result incrementally";
f[x_Integer] :=
   With[{reclim = x - Length[DownValues[ff]] + 10},
     (f[x] =
        Block[{$RecursionLimit = reclim },
        Print["Current $RecursionLimit: ", $RecursionLimit];
        ff[x]]) /; reclim < 10000];

f[x_Integer] := "" /; Message[f::tooLarge, x]]

For example:

In[1581]:= f[11000]//Short

During evaluation of In[1581]:= f::tooLarge: The parameter value 11000 is too 
large for single recursive step. Try building the result incrementally
Out[1581]//Short= f[11000]


During evaluation of In[1582]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 9007
During evaluation of In[1582]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 2008
Out[1583]//Short= 5291092912053548874786829<<2248>>91481844337702018068766626

A slight modification on Leonid's code. I guess I should post it as a comment, but the lack of comment formatting makes it impossible.

Self adaptive Recursion Limit

$RecursionLimit = 20;
 ff[0] = ff[1] = 1;
 ff[x_] := 
  ff[x] = Block[{$RecursionLimit = $RecursionLimit + 2},  ff[x - 1] + ff[x - 2]];
 f[x_Integer] := f[x] = ff[x]]

-> 1346269

-> 20


Trying to set $RecursionLimit sparsely:

$RecursionLimit = 20;
Module[{ff}, ff[0] = ff[1] = 1;
 ff[x_] := ff[x] =
   Block[{$RecursionLimit =
      If[Length@Stack[] > $RecursionLimit - 5, $RecursionLimit + 5, $RecursionLimit]}, 
       ff[x - 1] + ff[x - 2]];
 f[x_Integer] := f[x] = ff[x]]  

Not sure how useful it is ...





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