
Xcode - But... Where are our archives?

I've submitted three versions of my app onto the App Store using the Build and Archive commands. But... Where are those archives?

I've just learnt that I just need them to be able to read开发者_高级运维 crashlogs. My ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives folder is empty (in fact there is one xarchive file inside it I've just generated now to test a crashlog reading).

Spotlight does not find any .xarchive.

I never been asked to delete or clear anything else than my project builds (Product - clean) when coding next version.

  • Open the Organizer window in Xcode (menu Window > Organizer)
  • Click on the Archives icon in the top middle
  • Select the desired archive by app name and date
  • Click Show in Finder in the context menu

Archive Organizer

  • To open it: Xcode menu bar > Window > Organizer > Products > Archives
  • Path: The archives are stored in /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/$DATE/Project Name Datetime.xcarchive, it's easier to just right click the archive to show path in the organizer though.

Xcode - But... Where are our archives?

Archive location

To Archive

<select_device_or_any_ios_device> -> Product -> Archive

By default location is on the same level as Derived Data folder

/Users/alex/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2021-05-08/ServiceLocator 08.05.2021, 15.35.xcarchive

To change location

xcodebuild archive -archivePath "<some_path>/<some_name>.xcarchive" <...>
Xcode -> Preferences... -> Locations -> Locations -> Archives 

Xcode - But... Where are our archives?

To show Organizer

Window -> Organizer -> Archives

Just to add to this since I'm unable to edit @Codo's answer, but for my version of Xcode (12.3) there was no Archive icon in the top middle. Just a slight difference. Instead, going to Window > Organizer opened a window displaying all my Archives for the current project. Right clicking each shows a menu to delete Archive entries or you can Show in Finder.

Show in Finder shows mine are currently located at /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives and within that directory there's a folder for each date which contains an Archive.

if you choose any ios simulator iphone 7 or iphone 8 or any simulateur you have to change this select to ( Any ios Device ) after that the archive option will display





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