
Where to get the JRE binaries/zip for Windows x64bit? [closed]

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Where can I get the JRE binaries/zip for Windows x64bit machine?

I searched on Oracle Java achieve here, but I got the .exes installer files


Is it the right thing to copy the installed directories/files by the jre installer?

I am actually packaging JRE along with Tomcat for distribution of开发者_StackOverflow webapp.

The JDK and JRE are never distributed as zips, but always as an installer. This is because there is executable code (unpack200 in particular) that has to be run as part of the installation.

If you need a zip file, it is possible to install the JDK or JRE using the installer and package the resulting directory afterwards as a zip.

But that will leave you with just a JVM, no control applet, no automatic JAVA_HOME and so on..





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