
How to install DBD::Advantage

I have tried using DBD::Advantage on both Linux and Windows with no luck. The Windows version comes with what appears to be a full fledged installer, but it leaves behind the DBD-Advantage-8.10.tar.gz. Under Linux, I had done the make && make test && make install series, but regardless I get the following error on both platforms.

install_driver(Advantage) failed: Can't locate loadable object for module
DBD::Advantage in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5
/usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 ...... several other folders.  
  • AdvantageDatabase 8.1
  • Perl version is 5.12.4 on Linux and 5.12.3 Strawberry Perl on Win2008.

From the [readme.txt] included with the install:


The Advantage DBI Driver is contained in the DBD-Advantage.X.XX.tar.gz file. You can extract it by running: tar -zxvf DBD-Advantage.X.XX.tar.gz


On Windows you should be able to extract the file using a utility such as winrar

If you can't find the module in your @INC path, the install probably failed. I'd try to manually add the package via the perl ./Makefile.PL and see if that fails.

If the module is in the @INC path, it may just be a permissions issue.





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