
Concatenated many strings in PHP easily

The following code is correct:

$str = "INSERT INTO table ('".$val1."',"."'".$val2."'".","."'".$val3."'".","."'".$val4."')";

but the code below is incorrect:

$str = "INSERT INTO table ('".$val1."',"."'".$val2."'".","."".$val3."'".","."'".$val4."')";

The above example is small but you can see that larger cases of the above are annoying to debug when one misses out a ' or a ". Is there a better way of concatenating strings in PHP? I want to have variables h开发者_Go百科aving single inverted commas on bother sides and I want the string to be made using double inverted commas.

There must be a better way.. I write a lot of queries from PHP that talk to an Oracle DB and I am constantly making mistakes with these strings!!

Thank you :).

$str = sprintf("INSERT INTO table ('%s', '%s', ...", $val1, $val2);

or use prepared statements

You can try this

$str = "INSERT INTO table ('$val1','$val2','$val3')";

Use prepared statements for that: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepared-statements.php

Never just concatenate arbitrary values to create a SQL statement. You will create millions of SQL injection holes in you application. http://xkcd.com/327/

At the very least, use mysql_real_escape_string or equivalent.

I recommend you do some reading about security and application design before writing any PHP application of consequence.

How about

echo implode(",", array(

But I must say that you can do it much easier with prepared statements.

create your own function with http://php.net/manual/en/function.func-get-args.php and foreach, and use sql escapeing for each params. see the example1 on page

When dealing with large param sets I prefer to put them into an array and join with implode() function.implode like in code below:

$params = array('param1','param2','param3');
$param_string = "('".implode("','", $params)."')";




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