
Multiple apps in Ruby Padrino: How to name models?

I have a Padrino project, that consists of multiple apps. For example:

  • Website (Models: Site, Page)
  • Blog (Models: Post, Comment)
  • Shop (Models: Category, Product, Order)
  • Tracking (Models: Visitor, Content)

Putting all models unmodified into one directory seems to me like a mess. So I thought of namespacing them like:

  • Website (Models: Site, SitePage)
  • Blog (Models: BlogPost, BlogComment)
  • Shop (Models: ShopCategory, ShopProduct, ShopOrder)
  • Tracking (Models: TrackingVisitor, TrackingContent)

But this looks very strange and produces a lot of extra typing.

What do you think? Is it good style to ignore namespacing and hope not to run into a naming conflict (e.g. "C开发者_JAVA技巧ategory" model for Blog app => Error) or should I prepend the apps name to each model?

Thanks in advance.

Cheers Marc

I use a module as namespace ie:

module BlogModels
  class Category

and works quite well example with dm because I've namespaced table_name, btw your way BlogCategory is also fine to me.

I found a reasonable way to namespace the models in Mongoid and keep the overhead small.

I name the models like this: BlogPost, BlogComment, BlogCategory

And in the model I make use of class_name and inverse_of:

class BlogPost

  include Mongoid::Document

  # ... lots of stuff ommitted

  has_many :comments, class_name: 'BlogComment', inverse_of: :post

class BlogComment

  include Mongoid::Document

  # ... lots of stuff ommitted

  belongs_to :post, class_name: 'BlogPost', inverse_of: :comments

And access via:

post = BlogPost.first
post.comments.first # get comments

BlogComment.first.post # get related post

This keeps the access chain short and is better then:

post = BlogPost.first
post.blog_comments.first # get comments

BlogComment.first.blog_post # get related post

More details: http://mongoid.org/docs/relations.html





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