
facebook album upload

While uploading a photo to facebook using graph api, will I come to know the source/location where the image is saved ? For example, source like this : http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/168119_10150146071831729_20531316728_7844072_5116892_n.jpg

I need to save this location into the database, so that other users can view this.

If it is not possible, can I get the location using FQL query from album after开发者_高级运维 uploading the photos into facebook ? may be something like, "SELECT aid, owner, location, link, object_id FROM album WHERE aid="20531316728_324257" and save the link or location to the database. well this may not be the right query.

Or are there better ways ? requirement is, user-A should upload photos into facebook from my website and user-B (or everybody) without login to facebook should be able to see these photos what "A" uploaded.

When you upload a photo via the graph api the return result is the image graph id. You can the query the graph using that id like http://graph.facebook.com/{returnedId} and that will give you all the different urls for the different image dimensions FB creates after the upload.

an example: http://graph.facebook.com/10150178799547321





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