
Dynamic PHP image from iFrame?

I would like to know if there is a way to essentially take a snapshot of a webpage. Take this example: http://ffaat.pointclark.net/blog/archives/42-Dynamically-Generated-Text-Images.html where he is able to dynamically generate an image based on a text parameter (like so: http://ffaat.pointclark.net/blog/templates/rob2/img/titleimage.php?text=Hello%20Stack%20Overflow%20People!%20Help%20me%20out%20here.&px=18 ). However, can I go a step further开发者_如何学编程 and grab a would-be iFrame widget and convert this to a dynamic PHP image? I would use the widget's JavaScript code, but it's not working; however, that is not the topic of this discussion.

If this is possible, great, but I'll make due if not. Thanks!

If you have access to linux than you can learn about ffmpeg , ffmpeg is very powerful in creating dynamic screen shots and convert them to videos as well , As ffmpeg is not very common you will find less tutorial and you will have to spend lot of time, 1 thing is for sure with ffmpeg you will never mess up with quality, it is that good , even youtube use ffmpeg to convert mp4 movies to flv






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