What is extension of ruby Exception class object in c?
HI i have following code in c which is invoked from a ruby script,
static VALUE myMethod(VALUE self, VALUE exc)
int a = TYPE(exc);
printf(" %d ", a );
// Some process on exc
void Init_myRuby()
VALUE mRuby = rb_define_module("myRuby");
VALUE mException = rb_define_class_under(mRuby, "Exception", rb_eRuntimeError);
rb_define_singleton_method(mRuby, "myMethod", myMethod, 4);
Following is the code of ruby client script,
require 'myRuby'
def raiseExc()
exception = myRuby::Exception.new("status","lasterror","function()","Calling some")
myRuby::myMethod(exception, "Exception message: %s, Exception object %d", "Hi from Exception", 100)
I invoke myMethod() fu开发者_StackOverflownction from ruby client. Can any one tell me how to access Exception class object "exc" in c file and its all attributes.
Use rb_funcall
to call methods on your exc
Assuming the exc had a #description
VALUE myVar;
myVar = rb_funcall( exc, rb_intern("description"), 0)
Of if you need to specify arguments:
VALUE myVar;
myVar = rb_funcall( exc, rb_intern("foobar"), 3,
rb_float_new( 2.5 ),
INT2FIX( 123 ),
rb_str_new2("Hello World")