
Setting a testing a cookie with Javascript issues

So at the moment I am working on setting a cookie in the user's browser... this is how I have done so:

    var cookiename = "benjaminpotter_welcome";
    var cookievalue = "visited";
    var date = new Date();
    var cookieExpiration = date.toGMTString();
    var cookiepath = "; path=/";
    var myCookie = cookiename + "=" + cookievalue + ";expires=" + cookieExpiration + path;
    document.cookie = myCookie;

And this is how I have attempted to receive it:

    function readCookie(benjaminpotter_welcome) {
     cookieName = cookieName.replace(/([.\\+\-*:\/?!|^${}()\[\]])/g, '\\$1');
     var re = new RegExp('[; ]'+cookieName+'=([^\\s;]*)');
     var sMatch = (' '+document.cookie).match(re);
     if (cookieName && sMatch){ 
     var cookieval = unescape(sMatch[1]);
     var cookieval = '';

The thing is that it isn't working at all...

Here is what I want to happen... I want to set a cookie in the user's browser called 'benjaminpotter_welcome' having the value 'visited'.

Then I need to request that cookie (on the next page load of course) and test to see whether it = 'visited', upon which code will be executed (or in my case not executed.

Here is the part of my website that is not working currently when attempting to use this code:

<script type="text/javascript">
        function readCookie(benjaminpotter_welcome) {
         cookieName = cookieName.replace(/([.\\+\-*:\/?!|^${}()\[\]])/g, '\\$1');
         var re = new RegExp('[; ]'+cookieName+'=([^\\s;]*)');
     开发者_运维知识库    var sMatch = (' '+document.cookie).match(re);
         if (cookieName && sMatch){ 
         var cookieval = unescape(sMatch[1]);
         var cookieval = '';


    if(cookieval == 'visited'){

You are setting cookieval inside the method, which makes it a private variable. Try:

function readCookie(cookieName) {
    cookieName = cookieName.replace(/([.\\+\-*:\/?!|^${}()\[\]])/g, '\\$1');
    var re = new RegExp('[; ]'+cookieName+'=([^\\s;]*)');
    var sMatch = (' '+document.cookie).match(re);

    return cookieName && sMatch ? unescape(sMatch[1]) : '';

and your DOM-ready:

    var cookieval = readCookie("benjaminpotter_welcome");
    if(!cookieval == 'visited'){

should do it.

If you understood your code, I can recommend the jquery.cookie plugin to work with cookies with javascript.





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