
OpenCV: "Feature Matching with FLANN" tutorial - getting exception

I am starting up with OpenCV (using C++) and was playing around with the "Feature matching with FLANN" tutorial from here: http://opencv.itseez.com/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_flann_matcher/feature_flann_matcher.html

I did not modify anything, just tried running it as it is. Unfortunately, when running it, I am getting this error when the program tries to detect the keypoints (on the line de开发者_如何学Ctector.detect(img_1, keypoints_1)) :

OpenCV: "Feature Matching with FLANN" tutorial - getting exception

I had no problems with running other OpenCV tutorials out of the box...did anyone experience similar problems?

My system: Visual Express 2010 and OpenCV 2.3, under Windows 7 64-bit. Could this be a bug of v2.3, or some issues related to the 64-bitness of my system?

It sure helps to know more about C++ than a worm :) I realized I had linked against the release version of the feature2d lib. As always, solved automatically by virtue of the "power of posting"...

I have same mistake with your‘s,because you have use different Version of lib file. If you use debug,you must use lib ended by 'd'.





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