
In C#, how can I pass a method from another class using Func<T>?

I have a state machine that needs to call a different method on each object from a List of objects depending on the state I'm in. Basically I'm trying to refactor the code that has a loop in each case statement of my state machine so that it looks like the code below. However I cannot seem to figure out how to pass the relevant method to my refactored function (not to mention I then don't know how to call it on each item)

Any help would be appreciated.

Here's the example code:

    public class MyOtherType
        public bool Method1()
        { return false; }
        public bool Method2()
        { return false; }
        public bool Method3()
        { return false; }
        public bool Method4()
        { return false; }

    public class MyType
        public enum MyState
        private MyState State = MyState.DoSomething1;

        List<MyOtherType> MyListOfObjects = new List<MyOtherType>() { new MyOtherType(), new MyOtherType() };

        private void StateMachine()
            switch (State)
                case MyState.DoSomething1:
                    //How do I pass this in? Do I need to set it up differnetly?
                    Process(() => MyOtherType.Method1());
                case MyState.DoSomething2:
                    Process(() => MyOtherType.Method2);
                case MyState.DoSometh开发者_StackOverflowing3:
                    Process(() => MyOtherType.Method3);
                case MyState.DoSomething4:
                    Process(() => MyOtherType.Method4);

        private void Process(Func<bool> method)
            foreach (MyOtherType item in MyListOfObjects)
                //How do I call the method on each item?
                if (item.method())
                    //Do something

I would suggest to get rid of such switch blocks and decouple each specific method from a state by introducing flexible map of strategy per state so it could be easily changed or even injected:

IDictionary<MyState, Func<bool>> strategyMap;

1) Fill it in

 // if idea is to access methods without instance of MyOtherType - 
 // make all methods and class itself static so you can access it
 // like MyOtherType.Method1
 strategyMap = new Dictionary<MyState, Func<bool>>();
 strategyMap.Add(MyState.DoSomething1, myOtherTypeInstance.Method1);

2) Call appropriate strategy depends on state instead of switch(State)

 if (starategyMap.ContainsKey(State))
     // pass in an associated strategy 

Feel free to ask in case of any questions

One possible solution is to make the methods static and take the class reference they shall operate on as a parameter:

public class MyOtherType
    public static bool Method1(MyOtherType instance)
        return instance == null;  




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