
Circular dependencies in c++

Say I have these two classes:

// a.h

#include "b.h"


// b.h

include "a.h"

I understand there is a problem over here, but how can I fix it and use a objects and their methods in b class and vice versa?

You can use forward declarations, like this:

class B;

class A
    B* ThisIsValid;

class B
    A SoIsThis;

For more information, see this SO question.

As for the preprocessor #includes, there's likely a better way to organize your code. Without the full story, though, it's hard to say.

To extend on @Borealid 's answer:

To avoid problems with circular includes, using an "include guard"


#ifndef MYFILE_H /* If this is not defined yet, it must be the first time
 we include this file */
#define MYFILE_H // Mark this file as already included
// This only works if the symbol we are defining is unique.

// code goes here


You can use what is called a "forward declaration".

For a function, this would be something like void myFunction(int);. For a variable, it might look like extern int myVariable;. For a class, class MyClass;. These bodiless statements can be included before the actual code-bearing declarations, and provide the compiler with enough information to produce code making use of the declared types.

To avoid problems with circular includes, using an "include guard" - an #ifdef at the top of each header file which prevents it being included twice.

The "other" class can only have a reference or pointer to the "first" class.

in file a.h:

#include "b.h"

struct a {
    b m_b;

in file b.h:

struct a;

struct b {
    a* m_a;

void using_the_a_instance(b& theb);

in file b.cpp:

#include "b.h"
#include "a.h"

void using_the_a_instance(b& theb)
    theb.m_a = new a();




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