
MIME::Lite::TT::HTML Perl installation problem

I am trying to install MIME::Lite::TT::HTML (Perl module) and I am getting an error. I have ALL perquisites installed (I installed through CP开发者_如何学PythonAN), however I get this error:

default not defined in test_types! at ./Build line 57
./Build test -- NOT OK

When running reports CHUNZI/MIME-Lite-TT-HTML-0.04.tar.gz the output is:

Distribution: C/CH/CHUNZI/MIME-Lite-TT-HTML-0.04.tar.gz
CPAN: CPAN::DistnameInfo loaded ok (v0.12)
CPAN: LWP loaded ok (v5.813)
CPAN: File::Temp loaded ok (v0.22)
Fetching 'http://cpantesters.perl.org/show/MIME-Lite-TT-HTML.yaml'...Could not download 'http://cpantesters.perl.org/show/MIME-Lite-TT-HTML.yaml': 500

cpantesters.perl.org doesn't exist, so how can I install the module?

The url http://cpantesters.perl.org/show/MIME-Lite-TT-HTML.yaml seems to time out. I think that's the same error you got in your output.

If the url is only needed for running the tests, you might be able to download the module gzip, untar it and run something like perl Makefile.PL && make && sudo make install. Of course then you don't whether the tests would have passed.

If that doesn't work: since this seems to be a trivial plain-perl module, you might be able to just download the .pm file and put it somewhere in your perl include path. Remember to put inside the directory structure MIME/Lite/TT/.





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