
simple text input box "autosuggest" script - how to overlap with css

I am trying to write a simple text input box "autosuggest/autocomplete" script - like on the google home page (at least until they made it more complex a few weeks ago)

Everything works, except when the suggestions appear, they push down text blow the input box. I would like to overlap text below the auto suggest box.

/* listener on keyup event in parts box*/   
        $('.SRPR').live('keyup', function() {   
                var stringLength = $(this).val().length;
                var stringValue = $(this).val();
                if( ($(this).val().length) > 2){                                                                                
                    var location = $(this);
                    fnShowSuggestions(location, stringValue, stringLength);
                    var location = $(this);
                    var divToPutData = location.nextAll("div"); 

<input name="SRPR" class="SRPR  type="text"> 
   <div class="cl_preInventoryList">
    auto-suggest text goes here.
<b>other stuff here</b>

/* styling to auto-suggest*/
    padding-left: 90px; 
    margin-top: 2px;
    z-index: 99;        

.cl_preInventoryList a {    
    color: white;
    text-decoration: none;  
.cl_preInventoryList ul {   
    list-style-position: outside;
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;    
.cl_preInventoryList li {
    margin: 0px;    
    padding: 2px 5px;
    cursor: default;
    display: block;
    color: white;   
    line-height: 16px;
    overflow: hidden;
    border-width: 1px;
    border: 1px solid #405B76;  

To solve this problem you should make your div float on the page using the poition:absolute css style but this is easly done with the correct addon to JQ

addon here

you should add inide the live event the following


This should not push anything down on the page





验证码 换一张
取 消

